Quality (naturally!) and safety

How we select and analyse our raw ingredients

We exclusively use organic raw materials in our products. Our agronomists and quality experts have extensive and detailed knowledge of the cultivation, production and processing of high-quality organic plant and animal raw ingredients.

Thorough and comprehensive quality controls ensure the highest possible levels of quality and safety – from the receipt of goods through to pre-production sampling and delivery of the raw ingredients to our production site. We use strict, risk-based inspection plans that check the raw ingredients on up to 700 parameters throughout the process. We also work very closely with accredited laboratories and our suppliers’ quality assurance professionals. That means we’re always up-to-date, particularly when it comes to new developments, risk factors and detection levels.

From our farmers and fruit producers through to processing, transparent supply chains are of utmost importance to us. For example, our meat and poultry are produced by from farmers who operate in accordance with organic guidelines. One of the most important characteristics of this type of production is animal welfare. Farmers who operate in environmentally friendly ways value their animals’ needs and see those needs as a component of ecologically sustainable agricultural production.

Regular in-house and external hygiene and quality checks ensure complete traceability and product safety throughout the process of turning premium raw ingredients into our top-quality final products.


Maintaining the highest possible quality and food safety standards is of utmost importance to us during the production process. Amongst other things, we do this by applying our extensive and highly effective physical contamination controls, which utilise cutting-edge technology.

Extremely stringent hygiene rules are adhered to throughout the entire production area. The relevant control points within the production are defined, validated and verified using a predetermined, risk-based hazard analysis (HACCP) and are embedded in our quality assurance systems. All critical parameters are permanently and comprehensively checked and recorded in real time.

The production of baby food in particular requires the utmost levels of care and responsibility. Our employees receive regular training on quality management topics and are conscious of the fact that they are working to make safe and tasty products for the very smallest members of society.

Quality approval

The final quality approval for each finished batch of product is carried out by our quality assurance employees on the basis of stringent, risk-based test schedules.

The approval process includes comprehensive chemical-physical, microbiological and sensory testing to ensure that both the product specifications and the strict quality and food safety standards have been met.


InnFood holds the following certifications:

  • Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (Control body: DE-ÖKO-003)
  • International Featured Standard (IFS) Food: IFS Food Standard Score (Higher level)
  • Processing facility for meat products: DE-BY 10294
  • No use of genetically modified organisms: GMO

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